Dress Code

Thayer Academy’s dress code reflects the belief that how we present ourselves is an important demonstration of our respect for ourselves, each other, and the occasion. Thayer recognizes that clothing is critical to personal comfort and also a meaningful opportunity for self-expression. As such, the dress code is intended to help guide students and parents/guardians in upholding these values. Students, with the help of their parents/guardians, are asked to adhere not only to the letter but also to the spirit of Thayer’s dress code.

Students are expected to remain in dress code for the entire academic day. Faculty will address dress code violations and concerns as necessary. The Upper School and Middle School Deans of Students are the final arbiters of appropriate dress.

Daily Dress 
The following MUST be adhered to on a daily basis:

  1. Upper School Students are expected to be dressed for an academic environment. Clothing should allow students to fully participate in all school activities. Middle School Students are expected to participate in athletics on an almost daily basis. While sports are in season, students will wear athletic attire to school to be ready for their afternoon activity. The clothing they wear should reflect the needs of that sport; and students should layer their clothing for indoor and outdoor attire. Students can change footwear before practice.
  2. Clothing with inappropriate or offensive messages - as determined by the Academy, in its sole discretion - is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, clothing with messages advocating violence, drugs, or alcohol; clothing expressing obscenities; and clothing that is derogatory to one's self or others. 
  3. Students may wear jeans or leggings.
  4. Hats, caps, full bandanas, or hoods may not be worn inside any building at any time, unless for medical or religious reasons. (A parent/guardians should communicate with the student’s Grade Dean and Advisor regarding an exception to this policy.)
  5. All shirts MUST cover the waistband of a student’s pants, shorts, or skirt. Sleeveless shirts are allowed.
  6. Extremely short, torn, or ripped clothing may not be worn to school. 
  7. Undergarments should never be visible.
  8. Footwear MUST be worn on campus at all times.
  9. Pajamas should not be worn to school.

The following is for Middle School only:

  1. Students should layer over shorts with sweatpants when the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Students should bring coats, hats, and gloves for daily outdoor recess during cooler weather.
  2. If students are wearing a tank top for sports, the shirt should be layered with a t-shirt for school. The building is air conditioned.
  3. Students also have the option to wear dress shorts on Assembly Dress Days

Assembly Dress 

In addition to the guidelines above, on all Mondays and Assembly Dress Days in the Upper School and on Assembly Dress Days in the Middle School, students are asked to dress more formally for all school gatherings and celebrations. Students should wear a dress, skirt, or dress pants with a dress shirt or blouse, or they should wear a shirt, tie, and dress pants. A sweater or jacket can be worn when the weather is cold. 

Students should NOT wear denim, leggings, shorts, or athletic attire of any kind, including sweatshirts, sweatpants, etc., on Mondays or Assembly Dress Days.

Special dates for Assembly Dress (not a complete list): First day of school, Declamations (MS), Picture Day, MLK Day Assembly, End of Term Celebrations (MS), Last Chapel, Recognition Day, and other divisional or school-wide assemblies.

Dress Down Days

On occasion, student groups will host a Dress Down Day fundraiser. On these days, students may wear hats, pajamas, and athletic wear like sweatpants and athletic shorts. Outside of these exceptions, the rest of the Dress Code is still applicable.