Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Discrimination Statement

Thayer Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity and/or expression, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, disability, or any other category protected under applicable law in its educational policies, admission policies, financial assistance programs, and athletic or other school-administered programs. The Academy extends to qualified students all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally afforded or made available to students at Thayer Academy. 

Anti-Bullying Policies & Plan

I. Overview

Thayer Academy is committed to maintaining a safe learning environment in which all members of our community treat each other with civility and respect and that is free from all forms of harassment, including bullying and cyberbullying. In addition to supporting the maintenance of a safe learning environment, please see Thayer Academy’s other policies addressing interpersonal student conduct contained in this Handbook.

Thayer Academy will not tolerate any form of bullying that occurs on school grounds or in connection with any school activity or that otherwise interferes with the educational experience of any student at Thayer Academy. Thayer Academy will support this commitment in all aspects of our school community. Thayer Academy will provide all students with the skills, knowledge, and strategies to prevent or respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing. Furthermore, Thayer Academy will provide annual training for all employees on its Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan. Thayer Academy will share information with parents and guardians about the Plan, at least annually.

Certain students may be more vulnerable to becoming targets of bullying, harassment, or teasing based on actual or perceived characteristics, including race; color; religion; ancestry; national origin; sex; socioeconomic status; homelessness; academic status; gender identity, or expression; physical appearance; pregnant or parenting status; mental, physical, developmental, or sensory disability; or by association with a person who has or is perceived to have one or more of these characteristics. With this in mind, Thayer Academy will identify specific steps it will take to create a safe, supportive environment for vulnerable populations in the Thayer Academy community, and it will provide all students with the skills, knowledge, and strategies to prevent or respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing. Thayer Academy affords all students the same protection regardless of their status under the law.

Thayer Academy will respond promptly and effectively to any report of bullying or retaliation against any person who has any information about bullying or who has participated in an investigation of bullying.

Thayer Academy will promptly investigate the report. If Thayer Academy finds that bullying or retaliation has occurred, we will promptly act to end that behavior and restore a sense of safety for those who were the target of it. Thayer Academy will impose disciplinary sanctions in appropriate cases, up to and including dismissal from Thayer Academy or termination of employment. Thayer Academy will report to local law enforcement incidents of bullying that may constitute a violation of criminal law.

The following information details the Thayer Academy Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan (“Plan”) and reflects our comprehensive efforts to work with students, staff, families, law enforcement agencies, and the community to prevent, intervene in, and respond to incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation.

II. Bullying & Cyberbullying Defined

For the purposes of this Policy:

“Bullying’’ is the use of a written, verbal, or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at a victim that: (i) causes physical or emotional harm to the victim or damage to the victim’s property; (ii) places the victim in reasonable fear of harm to the victim’s self or of damage to the victim’s property; (iii) creates a hostile environment* at school for the victim; (iv) infringes on the rights of the victim at school; or (v) materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of the Academy. For the purposes of this section, bullying shall include cyberbullying.

  • A “hostile environment” is “a situation in which bullying causes the school environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule, or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the student’s education.

“Cyberbullying’’ is bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photoelectronic, or photo-optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages, or facsimile communications. Cyberbullying also includes, but is not limited to, (i) the creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person, (ii) the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages, or (iii) the distribution by electronic means of communication to one or more persons or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the creation, impersonation, distribution, or posting constitutes bullying as defined above.

Thayer Academy’s definition of bullying and cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to, the definitions stipulated in Massachusetts law. Thayer Academy, at its discretion, may apply stricter standards of behavior in order to prevent inappropriate verbal and physical conduct before a student has been subject to bullying as it is defined under the law. For example, the Academy may impose disciplinary measures or other corrective action in a case of a single expression, act, or gesture as well as in a case of inappropriate conduct that may not rise to the level of the legal definition of bullying. This may occur if the Academy determines that the behavior is of sufficient severity to warrant disciplinary measures or other remedial action, or if the repetition of an expression, act, or gesture might result in bullying as defined under the Massachusetts anti-bullying law.

In sum, Thayer Academy prohibits bullying:

  • On school grounds, which means any building or property that the Academy owns or uses for educational, athletic, or other purposes;
  • At or in connection with any school-sponsored or school-related activity, function, or program, whether or not the activity occurs on school grounds;
  • In any vehicle or other form of transportation owned or used by the Academy; or through the use of any technology or any electronic device owned, leased, or used by the Academy.

Thayer Academy also prohibits bullying that does not meet any of the above criteria but that nonetheless:

  • Creates a hostile environment at school for the alleged target;
  • Infringes on the rights of the alleged target at school; or
  • Materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of the Academy.

Thayer Academy also prohibits retaliation against any person who reports bullying, who provides information during an investigation of bullying, or who witnesses or has reliable information pertaining to bullying.

III. Reporting Bullying or Retaliation

Students: Any student who feels that they or any other student has been the subject of bullying or retaliation should immediately report the matter to their Division Director/Dean of Students or to any other staff member or teacher with whom they would feel more comfortable making the report. If a reported bullying incident involves the Division Director/Dean of Students, the report of bullying should be directed to the Head of School or Assistant Head of School for Student Engagement and Well-being. If a reported bullying incident involves the Head of School, the report of bullying should be directed to the Board of Trustees Chair. Student reports of bullying can be made anonymously, although disciplinary action will generally not be taken against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report.

Parents/Guardians: Any parent or guardian who feels that any student has been the subject of bullying or retaliation should promptly report the matter to the appropriate Division Director/Dean of Students. Such reports of bullying may be made anonymously, although the Academy generally will not take disciplinary action against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report*. Any parent or guardian who wishes to file a claim/concern or seek assistance outside of the Academy may do so with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Program Resolution System (PRS).

Information about the PRS can be found at, emails can be sent to, or individuals can call 781.338.3700. Hard copies of this information are also available at each office of the Division Director/Dean of Students.

  • Although there are circumstances in which an anonymous report can be better than none at all, the Academy encourages students and their parents and guardians not to make reports anonymously. It is far more difficult to determine the facts of what occurred if complaints are made anonymously. While the Academy cannot promise strict confidentiality because information must be shared in order to conduct an effective investigation, the Academy releases information concerning complaints of bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation only as needed to address concerns.

Teachers and Staff: Any faculty or staff member of our school community who has witnessed or otherwise becomes aware of any bullying or retaliation must, by law, report it to the appropriate Division Director/Dean of Students or Dean of Faculty. If a teacher or staff member witnesses an act of bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation in progress, the teacher or staff member is expected to take reasonable steps to stop the act by communicating directly with the person where the behavior is considered unacceptable, offensive, or inappropriate. Employees may NOT make reports under this policy anonymously. The Director of Counseling, Upper School Counselor, and Middle School Counselor are available to assist anyone who may need support in reporting such activity.

Note: A student who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. If a parent or guardian knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or retaliation, the Academy may terminate the enrollment of any child(ren) of that parent or guardian. An employee who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or retaliation or who fails immediately to report an instance of bullying or retaliation of which they are aware shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

IV. School Response to Allegations of Bullying or Retaliation

Once any allegation of bullying or retaliation is received, a prompt investigation of the charge will be conducted by the appropriate Division Director/Dean of Students or designee. The nature and extent of the investigation will depend on the circumstances.

If the Division Director/Dean of Students determines that bullying or retaliation has occurred, they may do any or all of the following as deemed appropriate at the Division Director’s/Dean of Student’s sole discretion: (i) notify the local law enforcement agency or other appropriate government agencies; (ii) take appropriate disciplinary action; (iii) notify the parents or guardians of the aggressor; (iv) notify the parents or guardians of the target and, to the extent consistent with state and federal law, notify the target of the action taken to prevent any further acts of bullying or retaliation; (v) assess the target’s need for protection and take appropriate steps as necessary to restore a sense of safety for the target; and (vi) in consultation with the Director of Counseling, Upper and Middle School Counselors, or others as appropriate, refer aggressors, targets, and appropriate family members of such students for counseling or other appropriate services. If a bullying incident involves the Division Director/Dean of Students, the Head of School or designee of the Head of School shall be responsible for investigating the report and other steps necessary to implement the Plan, including addressing the safety of the alleged target(s). If a bullying incident involves the Head of School, the Thayer Academy Board of Trustees Chair or its designee shall be responsible for investigating the report and other steps necessary to implement the Plan, including addressing the safety of the target(s). 

Outline of the Procedure Pursued Once a Complaint Has Been Brought to the Attention of the Academy:

An impartial investigation of the complaint is conducted by the Division Director/Dean of Students or designee. That investigation may include (but will not necessarily be limited to) interviews with the person who made the complaint; with the student who was the target of the alleged bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation; with the person or persons against whom the complaint was made; and with students, employees, or other persons who witnessed or who may otherwise have relevant information about the alleged incident. Depending on the circumstances, the individual conducting the investigation may also choose to consult with other teachers and/or the Academy Counselor.

Following interviews and any other investigation undertaken, as the Academy deems appropriate, the Division Director/Dean of Students or designee will determine whether and to what extent the allegation of bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation has been substantiated. If it is determined that the policy set forth in this Plan has been violated, the Division Director/Dean of Students or designee will determine what (if any) disciplinary action and/or other remedial action is appropriate and how it will be implemented.

When necessary, the following steps may be taken:

  • In consultation with the Academy Counselor, refer aggressors, targets, and family members of such students for counseling or other services as appropriate.
  • Take appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Disciplinary actions shall balance the need for accountability with the need to teach appropriate behavior.
  • As deemed appropriate, notify local law enforcement and/or other government agencies.
  • Notify the appropriate administrator of another school if an incident of bullying or retaliation involves a student from that school. If an incident of bullying or retaliation occurs on school grounds and involves a former Thayer student under the age of 21 who is no longer enrolled in a school, Thayer Academy will contact law enforcement consistent with the provisions of the law.

V. Student & Faculty Education for the Prevention of Bullying or Retaliation & the Support of Community Members Who Have Been Victimized

Thayer Academy takes specific steps to create a safe, supportive environment for vulnerable populations in the Thayer Academy community and provide all students with the skills, knowledge, and strategies to prevent or respond to bullying and harassment that may interfere with a safe and effective educational environment. Indeed, the Academy supports this commitment in all aspects of our school community, including curricula, instructional programs, staff development, extracurricular activities, and parent or guardian involvement.

The curriculum of required guidance classes in each division (a course called “Decisions”) includes topics that comprehensively address bullying, including case studies highlighting the toll on victims, school policies and procedures, state laws, etc. In addition, Thayer Academy periodically convenes assemblies, advisory meetings, and other student gatherings to address the topic of bullying.

In addition, annual faculty and staff professional development – including, but not limited to, educators, administrators, school nurses, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors to extracurricular activities, and paraprofessionals – will review the following topical areas related to bullying:

(i) developmentally appropriate strategies to prevent bullying incidents; (ii) developmentally appropriate strategies for immediate, effective interventions to stop bullying incidents; (iii) information regarding the complex interaction and power differential that can take place between and among a perpetrator, victim, and witnesses to bullying incidents; (iv) research findings on bullying, including information about students who have been shown to be particularly at risk for bullying in the Thayer Academy environment; (v) information on the incidence and nature of cyberbullying; and (vi) internet safety issues as they relate to cyberbullying. Faculty and staff shall also review annually Thayer Academy’s Anti-Bullying Plan, the content of which is included in the Faculty/Staff Handbook.

VI. Additional Notes

The parent/guardian community will receive copies of the Academy’s Anti-Bullying Policies & Plan at the start of each academic year. Thayer Academy has invited comments from various school constituencies and will continue to do so, periodically.

The Academy may modify these policies and plans during the year. The Plan will be reviewed and, as needed, updated at least once every two years. In connection with that update, the Head of School or designee will be responsible for reviewing the Plan, reviewing the file of reported incidents of bullying or retaliation in at least the preceding two years, and undertaking such other steps as may be appropriate to evaluate the effectiveness of this Plan and the Academy’s compliance with the Plan and any laws or regulations relating thereto.