Bus Schedule
For your convenience and planning, the following three specific bus routes have been established for all eight weeks of the regular Summer Camp session. Please note that transportation is available for children attending from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bus service is not available for the Extended Day Program.
Bus transportation is $150 per week. Be sure to indicate your transportation needs on the registration form. (i.e. Bus #1-B)
Route #1: Stoughton/Milton
- A - 7:35am / 5:00pm Cobbs Corner/Stoughton (in front of Rocky's Ace Hardware)
- B - 8:00am / 4:45pm AM: Trail Side Museum - Milton / PM: Park & Ride
- C - 8:10am / 4:38pm Ulin Memorial Rink - Milton
- D - 8:20am / 4:30pm Kelly Field- Milton
- E - 8:27am / 4:23pm St. Elizabeth Church - Milton
- F - 8:32am / 4:18pm Pleasant St. / Cypress Rd. - Milton
- G - 8:35am / 4:15pm Edge Hill Rd. / Governors Rd. - Milton
Route #2: Hull/Hingham/Quincy/Milton
- A - 7:40am / 5:08pm Rockland Circle Skating Rink - Hull
- B - 8:00am / 4:55pm HMS Essington Dr. / Shipyard Dr. - Hingham (The Big Parking Lot)
- C - 8:25am / 4:30pm Bernazzani Elementary School - Quincy
- D - 8:35am / 4:20pm St. Agatha’s Church - Milton
Route #3: Pembroke/Scituate/Cohasset/Hingham/Weymouth
- A - 7:45am / 4:50pm Knights of Columbus - Scituate
- B - 7:55am / 4:40pm Shaw’s Plaza (in front of Buttonwood Books) - Cohasset
- C - 8:10am / 4:30pm Bathing Beach Parking Lot (beach house side) - Hingham
- D - 8:20am / 4:20pm South Elementary School - Hingham
- E - 8:25am / 4:15pm Resurrection Church - Hingham