
In order to graduate from Thayer Academy, all students must take a minimum of three years of mathematics in the Upper School, although most students take mathematics all four years. While there are many different paths a student can take in the Upper School, the two most common are as follows:

  • Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, PreCalculus
  • Algebra II, Geometry, PreCalculus, Calculus

Note: For those students who are enrolled in Algebra I as ninth graders, there are multiple avenues, if appropriate, to accelerate their math program in order to reach Calculus by senior year.

The Mathematics Department offers courses at different levels of rigor, including Advanced Placement, so that each student receives a course of study suited to their background, interest, and ability. There are significant differences in the presentation, pace, content, and amount of independent work required in the different levels of each course. Therefore, it is important that students (with the advice and recommendation of the Math Department) carefully select the proper level of each course. The use of graphing calculators is integrated into the curriculum, particularly in the PreCalculus and Calculus courses.

Core Courses

Further Courses