Thayer Academy's signature academic programs at the Upper School are varied in nature but singular in purpose: to meaningfully engage students in deeper learning that will prepare them with the skills and experiences to become exceptional learners and leaders.
Scholars in Residence and the Thayer Global Speaker Series
Scholars in Residence and the Thayer Global Speaker Series bring thought leaders, practitioners, and artists from a range of disciplines to campus to enrich student learning in sustained and meaningful ways. The Scholars in Residence program elevates the intellectual discourse at Thayer while the Thayer Global Speaker Series engages the community in issues that matter to the world.
2024-25 Scholars include:
- Dr. Timothy Patrick McCarthy, a Harvard University professor, social activist, and award-winning historian who focuses on public leadership and human rights
- Atlantic Symphony Orchestra Music Director Jin Kim, who leads the Charles Castleman ‘57 Orchestral Program and the Thayer Academy Choral Ensemble
- Kimberly Boucher, from the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, who supports Thayer's multi-level Entrepreneurship Program
- Dr. Jill Walsh, a researcher and educator at Boston University whose consulting group, Digital Aged, educates students, families, and educational institutions about positive technology use
- Peter Dawoud, principal program manager at Microsoft, who works with faculty and students on thoughtfully incorporating AI tools in the classroom
Resident scholar Kim Boucher works with students in the Entrepreneurship Program.
Resident scholar Dr. Peter Dawoud speaking during "AI in Education: Preparing Students To Engage Effectively in a World of Advancing AI," an installment of the Thayer Global Speaker Series.
Resident scholar Jin Kim addresses the audience at one of Thayer's winter concerts.
Resident scholar Dr. Timothy Patrick McCarthy speaks with Diane Paulus during "An Evening with Diane Paulus," a Thayer Global Speaker Series event.
Leadership Communication & Public Speaking
Thayer offers a sequenced array of curricular opportunities focusing on the development of effective communication skills across a variety of modalities and media. Students are taught not only effective public presentation skills but also the art of storytelling, connecting with multiple audiences, and articulating ideas and values in ways that are impactful. The scaffolded program develops skills in stages, with different emphases at each level, so that by its conclusion, students have grown both personally and academically and gained life skills they can carry with them. On Wednesday mornings, students, faculty, and staff deliver 10- to 15-minute TED-type presentations in the TA Talks speaker series. The series fosters community connection and a willingness to talk across lines of difference.
Students presenting at the first annual James Tufts Pener Environmental Stewardship Conference.
A student performing spoken word poetry at Move to the Word.
Students presenting at the second annual James Tufts Pener Environmental Stewardship Conference.
A student performing spoken word poetry at Move to the Word.
A student presenting at "Words That Changed The World."
Entrepreneurship & Finance Programs
The Upper School’s entrepreneurship program teaches the building blocks of business while encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit. Students conduct research to determine product viability, understand the marketplace, and in some cases find financial backers to help them build a prototype. Collaboration is an essential skill; students work together to bring their hypothetical product to market. The for-credit courses in the two-level program have been paying dividends for young alums who’ve continued to pursue their business dreams in collegiate entrepreneurship programs.
The Upper School also offers the Thayer Academy Investment Club, which furnishes students with a simulated portfolio to teach foundational investment concepts, introduce sources for investment analysis, and provide management experience in publicly traded domestic securities.
A group presents their product at "The Pitch," where groups of students make five-minute pitches to a panel of outside judges followed by 10-minute question-and-answer sessions with those same judges.
A student presenting their pitch
Dip Patel working with students in the Entrepreneurship program.
A student presenting their pitch
A group presenting their pitch
Students presenting their pitch
Travel Opportunities and the Global Scholars Capstone Program
Fostering cultural exchange, research skills, and/or language development, Thayer’s many domestic and international travel programs offer myriad service and learning opportunities for students beyond our campus. Thayer has also cultivated a rich set of sister-school exchanges with schools in Spain, France, India, and China.
The Global Scholars Capstone Program encourages greater awareness of and engagement in global public policy issues. Combining interdisciplinary classroom learning with real-world problem-solving and experiences, this program, which culminates senior year, provides scholarly context for active global citizenship, including participation in a variety of curricular and co-curricular activities that promote student initiative, civic responsibility, and meaningful collaboration. Students who successfully complete the program are recognized as Thayer Academy Global Scholars at graduation.
Science Programs That Go Beyond the Classroom
The Independent Science Research program prepares students for primary research opportunities in Boston-area scientific laboratories. The yearlong course introduces students to scholarly review and research protocols and culminates in an independently developed research project completed during a summer internship.
Thayer partners with Beneath the Waves, a nonprofit dedicated to marine science and conservation, which is led by founder and CEO Dr. Austin Gallagher ‘04. In the on-campus lab and out in the field, students act as research assistants for a team of scholars, helping to produce primary research to combat climate change.
The annual James Tufts Pener Environmental Stewardship Conference brings together students from Boston-area schools to exchange ideas and inspire positive change for the benefit of the planet. Student-led presentations, workshops, and think tanks cover a range of environmental sustainability topics.
Curricula Supporting Social Justice and Civil Discourse
Thayer offers a scholarly introduction to and examination of social justice through a course developed by faculty and consulting experts. “The Common Good” is a required one-semester course for 9th or 10th graders which focuses on empowering students to better develop their understanding of equality, opportunity, environmental sustainability, and social justice. This discussion-based course is one small part of Thayer’s commitment to being an anti-racist learning institution.
Today, more than ever, the ability to meet those with different points of view and converse across lines of difference is crucial for success in educational and professional environments. Civil discourse is both modeled and taught in interdisciplinary programs across the Academy. Students are given the skills to engage in difficult but meaningful conversations about the world around them.
The first Thayer Global Speaker Series event of the 2024-25 school year was titled "Brave Talk: Civil Discourse in a Divided World."
Julian Edelman discussed his personal and public commitment to combating antisemitism at “Brave Talk: A Conversation with Julian Edelman,” a Thayer Global Speaker Series event.
Dr. Vikram Mansharamani speaking at “Think For Yourself: Restoring Common Sense in an Age of Experts and Artificial Intelligence,” an installment of the Thayer Global Speaker Series.
Michael Curry P ‘26 spoke at the inaugural Tiger Unity Summit about the importance of learning the "good, bad, and the ugly" of American history.
Senior Projects
As their final requirement for graduation, Thayer Academy seniors spend roughly one month in May completing an independent project. The goal of this experience is to give students a chance to assimilate all they’ve learned into an individual project that serves as a capstone to their time at Thayer. They are encouraged to focus on an area of interest during this time, particularly something which they might not normally be able to pursue.
Whether participating in one of the international trips Thayer offers or pursuing a local internship or community service endeavor, the Senior Project Program has proven to be a meaningful transitional experience between high school and college. Through this initiative, Thayer seniors are provided with opportunities to increase their own self-reliance, give back to the community, and contribute to the common good.
Student Support Centers
Student support is essential to the Thayer experience. The Peter J. Benelli Writing Center (BWC) is a peer-led writing lab which offers Upper School students coaching and feedback at any stage of the writing process across all disciplines.
With locations at both the Upper School and Middle School, the Hale Learning Center (HLC) provides additional support to students with learning differences who may face challenges with the Academy’s rigorous academic environment.
The Academy’s Health & Wellness Center brings physical health and mental health under one roof. The center includes offices for nurses and counselors; a Quiet/Relaxation Room for students to access during free periods; a dedicated telehealth space for students to engage in counseling with outside providers during the school day, as needed; and a conference space for meeting and collaboration.