World Languages

The Middle School world languages program introduces students to languages and cultures (past and present) other than their own. Students develop an awareness of the significance of cultural diversity through the exploration of different languages and customs. The ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages are a cornerstone of our curriculum. Each language class focuses on ACTFL’s Five Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Exposure to, and concentration on, these themes primes students to use the skills they have developed and the knowledge they have acquired not only in their lives and future careers but also in their role as global citizens.


Grades 5 & 6 - Introduction to Language

Grades 7 & 8 - World Languages

At the end of the 6th grade, students choose to study French, Latin, or Spanish for the next two years. Successful completion of a two-year middle school world languages course is equivalent to one year of upper school world languages study and allows qualified students to enroll in the second-level course (French II, Latin II, or Spanish II) for 9th grade.