College Planning Timeline

Freshman Year

  • Take a solid course load with challenging courses. Work hard to insure a strong 9th grade academic performance. Freshman grades count in college admissions.
  • Get involved in activities at Thayer Academy or in your residential community.

Sophomore Year

  • Take a solid course load with challenging courses. Work hard to insure a strong 10th grade academic performance. Don’t succumb to “sophomore slump” – a common GPA killer that students come to regret by their senior year.
  • Maintain involvement in extra-curricular activities. Develop your talent and potential for leadership in a few areas while continuing to try new things.
  • Take the PSAT in October.
  • Take appropriate SAT subject tests in May or June (maybe Math IC)
  • Explore possible career interests, if any.
  • In the summer before junior year, visit some colleges (begin with those in the Boston area).

Junior Year

  • Take a solid course load with challenging courses. Work hard to insure a strong 11th grade academic performance. Many colleges look at the junior year as an excellent predictor of a student’s potential for college.
  • Maintain involvement in extra-curricular activities. By now, you should be developing some clear interests (even passions), ones that you might even consider pursuing in college.
  • Take the PSAT in October. This is excellent practice for your first SAT. Take the Practice ACT offered on campus in November so you can decide which test is the best fit for you. 
  • Begin working formally with the College Counseling Office in January. Attend the four college counseling seminars during second semester of junior year.  Meet with college counselors individually. Parents are encouraged to meet with counselors as well.
  • Begin to think about college characteristics that interest you. Attend the college fair at Milton Academy in April to connect with colleges that may fit your preliminary interests. Visit colleges when the opportunity arises (spring break, school holidays, summer months).
  • If interested in playing intercollegiate sports, begin to contact college coaches through email and phone.
  • Register and take standardized tests. SAT offered in March, May, June, and July. ACT offered in Feb, April, and June.
  • Register for and take the SAT Subject Tests as advised in June.
  • Take the AP tests as appropriate in May.

College Planning Sessions

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